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Suction Pool Cleaners

Suction Pool Cleaners connect to the pool skimmer box and run whenever the pool system is on. As these cleaners use the skimmer box, they reduce the skimming effect of the pool. Each time the pool pump switches on, the pool cleaner starts and moves around the pool. Robotic Pool Cleaners run off power and pressure pool cleaners on their dedicated pump.

Shop our range of uncomplicated and reliable Pool Cleaners, which will suit almost any pool surface. At, we supply only the best models and brands such as the Zodiac G2, AX10 (upgraded MX8), Onga Hammerhead, Pentair Rebel, Hayward Pool Vac, and more at Australia's best prices. Need help? Contact us today.

Types of Suction Cleaners

Suction Cleaners are the most affordable of all pool cleaners and fall into the following two types -

Non-Mechanical Pool Cleaners

Non-mechanical Suction Cleaners have a rubber circular mat or disk and primarily follow the pool hose in the pool. The driving force is created by either a rubber diaphragm or hammer because they do not have a mechanical mechanism inside. Suction Cleaners will miss areas, and results will vary between the pool's shapes, sizes, steps, ledges, and debris load and type. The Onga HammerHead, Zodiac G2, T5 & T3, Kreepy Kraully suction cleaners all fall within this category. Our picks for non-mechanical pool cleaners are the Onga Hammerhead and the Zodiac G2. 

Mechanical Pool Cleaners

Mechanical Suction cleaners have internal gears. These gears allow the cleaner to make a series of turns and solve inadequate coverage that some pools may experience with non-mechanical pool cleaners. The Zodiac MX6, AX10 (updated and improved MX8), and Pentair Rebel fall into this category.

Pool Suction Cleaner Advice

We will help you find the right pool cleaner for your pool and advise if a suction cleaner meets your needs. Please Contact us and we will gladly answer your questions.

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