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Pool Cleaners

Pool Cleaners

We are stocking a range of only the best brand swimming pool cleaners such as Zodiac, Polaris, Jet-Vac, Hayward, Onga Pentair, Astral Hurlcon, Davey, Waterco, and many more!

Cleaner Range

Suction Cleaners
Suction Cleaners act as a vacuum, sucking out debris and other foreign matter to the skimmer basket which, can then be emptied when required.

Pressure Pool Cleaners
Pressure Cleaners are designed for pools in environments with lots of leaves and large debris. Pressure Cleaners collect leaves and other debris in a bag located on top of the cleaner. A booster pump and a dedicated pressure line on the side of the pool are essential for these cleaners to function.

Pool Return Cleaners
Return Cleaners act in a similarly to Pressure Cleaners, but they use existing pool returns to drive the cleaner rather than relying on a dedicated return line.

Robotic Pool Cleaners
Robotic Cleaners are a great alternative to Pressure Cleaners for those leafy pools where you don't have a pressure line in the side of the pool—operating from low voltage power; the robotic cleaner will vacuum and clean debris from the bottom of your swimming pool. It's easy to use; drop the cleaner in, retrieve it, empty the rubbish and store it ready for subsequent use. Robotic Pool Cleaners are energy efficient, easy to use, and come close to being better than a professional pool technician.


We can help if you are looking to replace your pool cleaner or looking for a new cleaning solution. Please Contact us and we will gladly answer your questions on Cleaners. 


In most cases, pool cleaners are a do-it-yourself job. Need installation? Please Contact us, and we can arrange the installation of pool cleaners in most areas across Australia.

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